University of Virginia School of Medicine


Thomas Jefferson established the University of Virginia in 1819. As one of the 8 original schools, the School of Medicine was established in 1900 with a full 4-year instructional plan. The School of Medicine and the University of Virginia Hospital are both located on the same campus in Charlottesville. Its location is within driving distance of Richmond and Washington, D.C. The university ranks high in published surveys.


4-year modern. The curriculum is divided into 4 major components. Basic sciences: (18 months) Provides a basic knowledge, both psychological and physical, of the structure of the normal and diseased human. Clinical clerkships: (11 months) Provides a learning experience by direct contact with patients. Electives: (8 months) Offers clinical rotations, graduate courses, or research activities.

Unique Programs

Minority admissions: The school has an active recruitment program. It also offers a Summer Enrichment Program for senior college students and graduates and applicants who have been accepted for admission. Other degree programs: Combined MD-PhD degree programs are offered in the basic sciences and jointly with other departments of the Graduate School or School of Engineering.


The basic premedical science courses are required. Preference is given to residents. A minimum 3 years of college is required, as is taking the MCAT. Choice of a major is optional but gaining a broad educational background is encouraged. Selection is determined by evaluation of academic performance, extracurricular volunteer and work experience, letters of recommendation, and interview performance. Interviews are granted by invitation only and take place only on campus. Transfer and advanced standing: State residents receive preference for transfer into the third year if any vacancies exist.


A Pass/Fail grading system is used except in the third year. Students who have satisfactorily completed all the work of the session are eligible for promotion. Those who have incurred deficiencies that can be reasonably removed by the opening of the next session may be provisionally promoted. Students with serious deficiencies may be required to repeat the session’s work. Students who are not considered competent to continue training in medicine may be required to withdraw. Students must record a passing total score on USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 to graduate. Teaching: Students join faculty members in conducting basic and clinical research to help solve some of today’s medical problems. They are aided by special facilities, including the central electron microscope facility, lymphocyte culture center, and protein and nucleic acid sequencing center. Many of these facilities are located in Harvey E. Jordan Hall, which also houses classrooms and laboratories for the 5 basic sciences. Other: Other facilities include several vivarium sites and research buildings in the Medical Center complex, adjacent to historic Central Grounds, and the University of Virginia Hospitals, licensed for 900 beds, including the main hospital, Blue Ridge Hospital, and Children’s Rehabilitation Center. Students also receive clinical training at other hospitals in Virginia. Library: The Claude Moore Health Sciences Library contains 140,000 volumes and receives approximately 3000 publications. Housing: Limited housing is available for married students who may or may not have children.

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