Del Mar College, a two-year comprehensive community college located in Corpus Christi, Texas, provides students with opportunities to fulfill their dreams. The college was founded in 1935 and is predominantly supported by local tax-payer dollars, appropriated by the Texas Legislature.
The school prides itself on following seven purposes:
- providing a fully accredited academic, occupational, pre-professional program leading to certificates, transferable credit, and associate degrees
- providing support in gaining economic independence, job entry, career development and advancement,
- providing developmental, adult literacy
- providing support services, including career counseling and guidance
- providing lifelong learning opportunities in avocational and occupational pursuits based on a liberal arts philosophy
- providing opportunities to expand cognitively, develop aesthetic awareness, and develop civic responsibility
- providing educational activities for economic and work force development.
The college serves approximately 22,000 students, both credit and noncredit. According to recent statistics, roughly 89 percent of graduates were employed or attending college within one year, compared to the 88 percent statewide.