Jamestown Community College offers nearly 40 degree programs and over 20 certificate programs targeted at three main types of students. There are transfer degree programs that are great for students seeking a baccalaureate degree. Students may essentially complete the first two years of a bachelor’s degree at a much lower cost and then transfer to a 4-year university or college in order to complete the final two years. Since JCC is part of the SUNY network, the college has transfer agreements with many schools within the SUNY network as well as independent institutions.
The second group of students that may benefit from an associate degree from Jamestown are those who would like to begin working immediately following graduation. An associate degree or vocational certificate will open doors to professional positions not available to those without an education and the earning potential is much higher. Also, many students earn this type of associate degree so that they may obtain better paying jobs while they are pursuing a bachelor’s degree.
Finally, the college provides an opportunity for students who would like to take just a course or group of courses for personal or professional enrichment. The school is open to all members of the community who wish to pursue this type of education as long as prerequisites such as a high school diploma are met. Some courses do require proof of other skill sets and placement testing.