University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry


The University of Nebraska system was founded in 1869, and has campuses in Kearney, Lincoln, and Omaha. The Lincoln Dental College was established in 1899. Less than 20 years later it became a part of the University of Nebraska system and is known as the University of Nebraska College of Dentistry. The school is located on the Lincoln campus. Postgraduate programs are offered in many specialties and a graduate program that leads to the MS degree is available.


4-year traditional. The basic sciences are taught by the team method. Students are introduced to clinical observation and personal participation during the first year. Patients are assigned and clinical activity is amplified in the sophomore year. Integration of the basic and clinical sciences is emphasized. Electives may be taken during the senior year. Off-campus clinical experience is provided by means of institutional assignments and a rural rotation program. Research projects are possible and several courses are self-pacing.

Unique Programs

Counseling is accessible to underrepresented minority applicants.


The basic predental science courses plus 1 year of English are required. The college has no specific requirements regarding the absolute minimal scholastic average or DAT scores. Priority is given to applicants from Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming. Transfer and advanced standing: Transfer is possible and is determined on an individual basis.


Modern preclinical and clinical facilities exist in Lincoln. Hospital affiliations provide opportunities for additional clinical experience. A learning center is available in association with the school library, where the computer facilities and developmental programs are provided.

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