For those students from Colombus County, North Carolina or nearby, Southeastern Community College- Whiteville has proved itself time and time again as one of the absolute best choices in junior colleges for anyone who is interested in earning their associate’s degree, as well as numerous different certificates that provide the sort of training necessary to seek further education at a later point, or to become skilled in particular technical or vocational areas. At Southeastern Community College- Whiteville, more than 50 percent of enrolled students go on to earn their associate’s degrees in either arts, fine arts, general education, science, or applied science. Those students who choose to participate in the certificate programs have close to 60 different areas to choose from, and each course of study is taught by a highly qualified and gifted professor. In addition to certificate programs, Southeastern Community College- Whiteville also offers over 20 different diplomas to choose from, and students who cannot attend classes during traditional hours can take advantage of the fact that the community college also offers continuing education programs that meet during evenings and on weekends.
Since Whiteville was the setting for Bill Clinton’s address on bridging the digital divide, it’s no wonder that the community college has eagerly embraced the opportunity to also provide nontraditional distance learning programs to its students. There are five currently offered classes on campus that focus on two-way video and over 70 courses that are offered exclusively online. In addition to these “virtual classes,” Southeastern Community College- Whiteville also offers web-enhanced learning for numerous other courses on campus.
For those students who are attending college with the hopes of immediately finding a place in the workforce afterwards, Southeastern Community College- Whiteville provides the sort of assistance and placement that is essential in succeeding and doing well. With a number of different course devoted just to workforce development as well as numerous programs focused on training for areas like industrial training, there’s never any concern that the learning and education you are getting on campus will not immediately apply to life off-campus. Furthermore, with job placement assistance from the school itself, students can rest a little bit easier when it comes to finding work after school.