University of Missouri - Columbia School of Medicine


The University of Missouri has 4 campuses: Columbia, Kansas City, Rolla, and St. Louis. The Columbia campus, the oldest and largest, is the site of the university’s Columbia School of Medicine. This institution, established in 1872 as a 2-year medical school, expanded in 1956 into its present 4-year program. The University of Missouri Health Sciences Center includes the School of Medicine, University Hospital, Columbia Regional Hospital, VA Hospital, and other satellite facilities. clinical case format, the PBL component integrates the traditional basic sciences. Students work together to gather and organize information and then to generate and test hypotheses. In the IPC component, students explore a variety of content and skill-building experiences, including the physical exam skills, interviewing, health care/health policy, epidemiology, use of diagnostic tests and psychosocial aspects of medicine. Beginning in their first semester, students work with physician mentors and with standardized patients. Students also are assigned to a weekly clinic for an ambulatory care experience. Third and fourth years: The third year features 7-week required clerkships in child health, family medicine, internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, psychiatry/neurology, and surgery. The fourth year has three 8-week required advanced clinical selectives from a medical area, a surgical area, and one other selective.Also required in the fourth year are 6 weeks of advanced biomedical sciences and 16 weeks of general electives.


4-year semimodern. First and second years: Preclinical training is in eight 10-week blocks, each block consisting of 8 weeks of instruction followed by a week of evaluation and a week of vacation. A 10-week summer vacation falls between blocks 4 and 5. Each learning blockiscomprisedof2components – theBasicScience Problem-based Learning (PBL) component and the

Unique Programs

Minority admissions: The school has an active program and offers special summer programs for high school minority, rural and/or disadvantaged students. Other degree programs: Combined MD-MS program, as well as MD-PhD in the basic sciences, is offered.


In addition to the basic premedical science courses, mathematics and English composition (one year) are required. State residents are given very strong preference, especially those from small cities, towns, and rural areas. Transfer and advanced standing: Limited number admitted into third year.Applicants to the third year must post passing USMLE scores. Missouri residency is required for advanced standing positions.


The School of Medicine uses a multilevel grading system with Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory in the first year, Honors/Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory in the second year, and Honors/Letter of Commendation/Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory in the third and fourth years. Students must pass USMLE Step 1 prior to their fourth year and Step 2CK and Step 2C5 to graduate. Teaching:TheSchoolofMedicineislocatedonthemain, or Columbia, campus of the university and is connected to the University Hospital and Clinics. Basic sciences are taught in the Medical Sciences Building; newly renovated student “labs” are rooms designed for PBL sessions, small-group discussions, and home base study rooms. Clinical teaching takes place at the University Hospital (495 beds), Mid-Missouri Mental Health Center (87 beds), the VA Hospital (480 beds), and other affiliated off-campus hospitals. Other: The Ellis Fischell Cancer Center and Children’s Hospital are part of the Health Sciences Center complex. Library: The Medical Library is located in the new Medical Annex and has more than 196,000 volumes. About 2000 periodicals are received regularly.

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