The Carroll School of Management offers the Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Science in Accounting (MSA), and Master of Science in Finance (MSF) as well as a doctoral program in finance and organization studies, and joint degrees in finance (MBA/MSF), law (MBA/JD), social work (MBA/MSW), nursing (MBA/MS), sociology (MBA/PhD), biology (MBA/MS), geology/geophysics (MBA/MS), mathematics (MBA/MA), Slavic studies (MBA/MA), Russian (MBA/MA), linguistics (MBA/MA), French studies (MBA/MA), Italian studies (MBA/MA), Hispanic studies (MBA/MA), political science (MBA/MA), higher education (MBA/MA), and pastoral ministry (MBA/MA). Other programs include cross-registration with Boston, Brandeis, and Tufts Universities, a dual degree with Universite Robert Schuman in Strasbourg, France, cooperative programs with Beijing International Management Center, Smurfit Graduate School of Business, ESADE (Barcelona), ESC Brest, ESC Bordeaux, ESC Clermont (France), foreign exchange with 8 countries, joint research with the Carroll School of Management, and Executive Fellows Summer Internships with a wide range of companies. The strongest areas of study are finance, marketing, general management, and consulting. The most popular courses are finance and marketing. Regular programs bring distinguished speakers and visiting professors to campus. The Manager’s Studio Lecture Series brings high-level business leaders to campus on a regular basis.
Fifty-six total credits are required to complete the MBA, including 26 elective credits. Required courses include:
- Economics
- Accounting
- Strategy
- Information Systems
- Organizational Studies
- Statistics
- Financial Management
- Marketing
- Operations Management
- Modeling and Decision Analysis
- Managing in the Global Environment
- Management Practice courses
Required courses for the MSF include:
- Investments
- Corporate Finance
- Financial Policy
- Commercial Banks and other Financial Institutions
or Investment Banking - Investment Banking
- Quantitative Methods
- Fixed Income and Portfolio Theory
- Derivatives and Risk Management
- Theory of Corporate Finance
- 2 electives
Required courses for the MSA include:
- Taxes and Management Decisions
- Financial Statement Analysis
- Strategic Cost and Profitability Analysis
- Assurance and Consulting Service
Prerequisites for MSA students include:
- Economics Financial Management * Statistics * Business Law * Accounting Information Systems * Accounting
Students may eliminate or substitute requirements by being granted advanced standing on the basis of prior graduate degrees or course work.
Business students may take relevant nonbusiness courses in other departments. The minimum time permitted to complete the master’s degree program attending full time is 2 years; maximum, 6 years. For students attending part time, the minimum is 4 years; maximum, 6 years.
There are 97 total full-time graduate business faculty, of whom 92% hold a doctorate; there are 102 part-time faculty. Faculty salaries are rated well above average for Category I institutions, based on the AAUP rating system. Average number of courses faculty teach is 4 to 5.