Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine


The Southern Illinois University system is one of 2 university systems in Illinois. There are 2 campuses in the system, 1 in Carbondale, and 1 in Edwardsville. The School of Dental Medicine, which was established in 1969, is located in Alton, Illinois, near both Edwardsville and St. Louis. The unique location of the school places it within the urban environment of metropolitan St. Louis and rural southern Illinois.


4-year. First and second years are used to present to the student biomedical information on the human organism and information necessary to recognize the disease states in humans. In addition, these 2 years are preparation time for clinical dentistry. The students are first involved in direct patient treatment during the second semester of the second year. Third year: Consists of clinical sciences instruction, application-type courses in biomedical sciences, and increasing emphasis on patient care. Fourth year: The major portion of the fourth year is spent in comprehensive patient care; in addition, during this time, the student receives instruction in advanced clinical sciences and practice management. The curriculum is designed to incorporate biochemical, clinical, behavioral, and social sciences. This serves to provide the knowledge and experience necessary for comprehensive oral health care. Emphasis is placed on the interrelationship of dentistry and medicine in total patient health management.

Unique Programs

The school actively encourages applications from persons in those segments of society currently underrepresented in the dental profession.


The basic predental school courses plus 1 year of English are required. Recommended additional courses can be selected from biochemistry, upperdivision biology, quantitative analysis, calculus, literature, art, and sculpturing. Priority is given to state residents. Transfer and advanced standing: An applicant accepted for admission to the first-year class who has advanced training in any discipline listed in the curriculum may request advanced placement.


The Alton, Illinois, campus is situated in a smalltown environment just minutes from downtown St. Louis, Missouri. The campus includes 22 buildings and a modern, state-of-the art dental clinic. Training is also available in hospital programs, private practices, and community health centers.

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