With locations in both Tampa and Clearwater, The Ultimate Medical Academy offers its students flexible and accredited training programs that introduce them to all of the information necessary to begin a career in the healthcare profession. Courses are intensive and interactive, with some of them lasting seven weeks, and through externships and job placement assistance, investing in classes with The Ultimate Medical Academy often has quicker financial returns than pursuing other courses of study.
A member of the National Healthcare Association and the Career College Association, The Ultimate Medical Academy is accredited by the ABHES, or the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools. The school prides itself in having cutting-edge technology on campus and allowing students the opportunity to train on relevant equipment, making the switch to the workplace considerably easier. With a faculty well versed in the profession of healthcare, classes are all taught by licensed professionals who know the rules and the procedures necessary for everyone to remain safe and healthy.
The Ultimate Medical Academy offers specialized programs to pursue specific paths in the healthcare field. These programs include Basic X-Ray Technician, Massage Therapy, Medical Assisting, Medical/Clinical Laboratory Assistant, and Medical Assisting. Other courses of study include Nursing Assistant, Patient Care Technician, Skin Care Specialist, and Insurance Billing and Coding Specialist. Students can also study Phlebotomy as well as pursue the Phlebotomy Technician program.
In addition to programs at its two different campuses, one in Clearwater and one in Tampa, The Ultimate Medical Academy also offers opportunities for students to pursue their careers online, through extensive online classes. With advanced software that offers a more specialized approach to virtual learning, both student and professor have a significantly easy time learning online, and translating those experiences to the classroom, where applicable.