For those students who require immediate preparation to leap into the workforce immediately after completing school, Keiser Career College: Port St. Lucie is an excellent choice. With numerous programs devoted to providing the knowledge one needs to get started in a particular industry of choice as well as a strong interdisciplinary background, this is a school that offers the assistance needed to begin a career successfully, even in a time of economic uncertainty. With opportunities for job placement immediately following school, Keiser Career College: Port St. Lucie is a particularly good choice for anyone who is seeking not just an education, but preparation for the workforce.
Unlike other colleges that provide career training in an environment where having access to one’s professors feels impossible due to large classes, here there is a student-to-teacher ratio that truly fosters learning and a feeling of connection and belonging in classes. Students can choose between attending night, day, weekend, or online classes, depending on one’s schedule. Many students opt for a combination of them all. It is also possible to fast-track one’s earning of a degree, if need be.
Students can choose between certificate programs, associate degrees, and bachelor degrees. The school also offers graduate degrees in Educational Leadership, MBAs in International Business and Marketing, a Master of Science in Education, and a Master of Arts in Criminal Justice. The most popular bachelor degrees include those in Business Administration (with the option to complete the degree in English or in Spanish), Legal Studies, Public Safety, and Homeland Security. The most popular associate degrees are those in Culinary Arts, Computer Programming, Paralegal Studies, and Golf Management. The Aquatic Engineering department is also particularly strong, teaching students with the most up-to-date equipment and conforming to all industry standards.