Colorado Technical University Online offers undergraduate and graduate programs through the following academic colleges: College of Business & Management; College of Criminal Justice & Legal Studies; College of Engineering & Computer Science; College of Health Sciences; College of Information Systems & Technology; Interdepartmental Degrees; and College of Psychology. The College of Health Sciences, however, only provides undergraduate programs. The online programs are career-focused and provide students with relevant, real-world courses which assist them in preparing for the workforce.
Students may also earn an online interdepartmental degree which earns students an Associate of Science in General Studies. This online program is offered to students who have some college credits that can transfer into this program and who seek a bachelor’s degree. This program allows students to transition into one of the following programs: Business of Science in Accounting; Business of Science in Business Administration; and, Business of Science in Criminal Justice.
In addition, the university offers the Master’s Advantage Program which is designed for students interested in pursuing a master’s degree. This program allows undergraduate students to substitute two undergraduate courses for two graduate-level classes at the same price as undergraduate level cost-per-credit. By doing so, it shortens the time frame for completing the designated master’s degree and saves the student money.
Another option is academic certificates which are built-in to almost every curriculum, without the added costs or the need to take additional classes. The purpose of the academic certificates is to add to the student’s knowledge base and help them be more marketable at the time of graduation.