Since it was founded in 1969, Scottsdale Community College has experienced significant growth. This two-year school is one of 10 colleges in the Maricopa Community College District and is regionally accredited through the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. There are more than 150 degree and certificate programs. It has many associate’s degree programs including English and communication, social and behavioral sciences, mathematics, science, speech, and studio and performing arts. Most students plan to transfer to four-year universities to complete their bachelor and graduate degrees after finishing their studies at Scottsdale. The college also offers numerous career or occupational programs that include nursing, interior design, fashion merchandising, hospitality, culinary arts, equine science, tribal management, and computer information programs. Accelerated, online, and 8-week accelerated courses offer flexible learning options for students. The college has also received much attention for offering the first accredited DJ and Turntablism classes at a publicly-funded college. The film school at Scottsdale has many highly successful alumni. Located on an Indian reservation, Scottsdale offers specific academic, service, and occupational programs geared toward Native American students.
Students can also take advantage of study abroad programs to five different countries, and academic support services such as free one-on-one tutoring services. There is a stimulating and rewarding honors program for exceptional students. Study abroad programs are also available.