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Top 500 Ranked Private Colleges and Universities - Page 9

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Top 500 Ranked Private Colleges and Universities - Page 9

Rank Private Colleges and Universities
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
161 162 University of Evansville 92.41 92.23 (0.2%)
162 171 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 92.37 91.82 (0.6%)
163 117 Allegheny College 92.35 93.95 (1.7%)
164 149 George Washington University 92.34 92.89 (0.6%)
165 176 University of San Diego 92.29 91.68 (0.7%)
166 156 New York University 92.26 92.57 (0.3%)
167 142 University of Scranton 92.25 93.13 (0.9%)
168 237 Augustana University 92.23 89.28 (3.3%)
169 201 Catholic University of America 92.21 90.46 (1.9%)
170 133 University of Portland 92.19 93.30 (1.2%)
171 153 University of the Sciences 92.18 92.80 (0.7%)
172 264 Washington College 92.15 88.73 (3.8%)
173 221 Andrews University 92.11 89.88 (2.5%)
174 141 Taylor University 92.08 93.15 (1.1%)
175 150 Martin Luther College 92.01 92.89 (0.9%)
176 135 Saint Mary's College 92.01 93.30 (1.4%)
177 90 Saint Michael's College 92.00 94.80 (3.0%)
178 139 Marquette University 91.96 93.22 (1.4%)
179 213 Pitzer College 91.91 90.07 (2.0%)
180 819 Telshe Yeshiva-Chicago 91.85 73.87 (24.3%)

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