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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 23

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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 23

Rank Highest Overall School Score
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
441 522 Asbury University 87.51 86.59 (1.1%)
442 447 New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology 87.49 87.63 (0.2%)
443 484 Yeshiva Toras Chaim Talmudical Seminary 87.46 87.18 (0.3%)
444 422 Stetson University 87.45 88.12 (0.8%)
445 368 Linfield College-McMinnville Campus 87.44 89.18 (2.0%)
446 449 St Catherine University 87.43 87.59 (0.2%)
447 327 Seattle Pacific University 87.41 89.73 (2.6%)
448 524 University of Illinois at Chicago 87.39 86.57 (1.0%)
449 1855 Talmudic College of Florida 87.39 65.44 (33.6%)
450 351 Edgewood College 87.39 89.30 (2.1%)
451 495 Molloy College 87.38 87.04 (0.4%)
452 433 University of Maine 87.37 87.87 (0.6%)
453 257 The College of Idaho 87.37 90.83 (3.8%)
454 270 University of Puerto Rico-Cayey 87.37 90.64 (3.6%)
455 488 Shimer College 87.33 87.15 (0.2%)
456 486 Salisbury University 87.30 87.16 (0.2%)
457 418 University of Michigan-Dearborn 87.29 88.14 (1.0%)
458 893 Pennsylvania State University-Penn State York 87.28 81.48 (7.1%)
459 634 University of Wisconsin-Whitewater 87.24 84.88 (2.8%)
460 414 Towson University 87.23 88.19 (1.1%)

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