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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Full-Time Faculty Salaries - Page 23

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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Full-Time Faculty Salaries - Page 23

Rank Highest Full-Time Faculty Salaries
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
441 260 The University of Connecticut School of Medicine and Dentistry $97,018 No Change
442 729 University of Central Florida $97,008 $79,947 (21.3%)
443 311 SUNY at Albany $96,984 $94,350 (2.8%)
444 660 DeVry University-Illinois $96,906 $81,530 (18.9%)
445 422 West Coast University-Ontario $96,860 $88,585 (9.3%)
446 747 Massachusetts Maritime Academy $96,737 $79,669 (21.4%)
447 2021 Los Angeles Southwest College $96,737 $62,477 (54.8%)
448 610 Joliet Junior College $96,734 $82,858 (16.7%)
449 567 Loma Linda University $96,717 $83,738 (15.5%)
450 453 Mount Holyoke College $96,649 $87,434 (10.5%)
451 246 Divine Mercy University $96,618 $97,947 (1.4%)
452 644 American Film Institute Conservatory $96,563 $81,953 (17.8%)
453 294 Cochran School of Nursing $96,481 $95,239 (1.3%)
454 514 University of Rhode Island $96,448 $85,559 (12.7%)
455 377 Reed College $96,409 $90,824 (6.1%)
456 373 Missouri University of Science and Technology $96,405 $91,053 (5.9%)
457 501 College of Lake County $96,382 $86,020 (12.0%)
458 155 Appalachian School of Law $96,381 $105,834 (8.9%)
459 274 New York Institute of Technology-Manhattan Campus $96,326 No Change
460 2777 Santa Barbara City College $96,275 $56,055 (71.8%)

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