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Most Popular Schools for Yoga Teacher Training/Yoga Therapy Major & Degree Program

A program that prepares individuals to function as professional instructors in the spiritual and physical therapy of Yoga in private, institutional, and clinical settings. Includes instruction in the principles of Ayurveda, philosophy of Yoga, warm-up and progressive exercises, breathing exercises, meditation, Yamas and Niyamas, instructional techniques, posture adjustment, student/client counseling and assessment, advanced Yoga disciplines and styles, business practices, and professional standards and ethics.

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Rank School Name Students % of Total Total On-Campus Cost
1 Southwest Institute of Healing Arts 71 20% N/A
2 Lexington Healing Arts Academy 19 28% N/A
3 Maryland University of Integrative Health 15 3% N/A
4 Scottsdale Community College 10 1% $3,494
5 Loyola Marymount University 9 0% $67,369
6 Naropa University 2 1% $50,810
7 Community College of Beaver County 1 0% $7,170
8 Saint Paul College 1 0% $6,761

This list indicates the number of students that completed the Yoga Teacher Training/Yoga Therapy program at the schools above.
It is not necessarily an indicator of academic rigor or quality of education.
Note that some schools do not have enough data to be ranked, and these schools will not appear in our lists.