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Most Popular Schools for Bartending/Bartender Major & Degree Program

A program that prepares individuals to professionally prepare mixed alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages and related products and manage bars, lounges, and beverage service operations in the hospitality industry. Includes instruction in mixology, oenology, accounting and cash management, inventory and cellar management, bar and lounge management, applicable laws and regulations, customer service, and labor/employment regulations.

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Rank School Name Students % of Total Total On-Campus Cost
1 Instituto de Banca y Comercio Inc 201 4% N/A
2 Crescent City Bartending School 90 24% N/A
3 IVAEM College 11 19% N/A
4 Central New Mexico Community College 1 0% $3,066

This list indicates the number of students that completed the Bartending/Bartender program at the schools above.
It is not necessarily an indicator of academic rigor or quality of education.
Note that some schools do not have enough data to be ranked, and these schools will not appear in our lists.