Homesickness is a normal reaction to leaving home and those you love. You may feel sad, lonely, anxious, alienated, confused, and helpless. It doesn’t mean you are weak, only that you have experienced love and security in your life. There is no magic cure for homesickness, but there are effective ways to deal with your feelings and become connected to your new environment.
You may wonder if you are experiencing homesickness or depression. Students who are depressed do not experience relief from their symptoms if they go home for a visit or engage in a favorite activity. Students who are homesick may find that when they leave school and spend time at home, their depressive symptoms disappear. If your feelings of homesickness are persistent or become so intrusive that they impair your daily activities or class obligations, you may benefit from talking to a counselor with special training in helping students adjust to the college environment. Contact your school’s counseling center for help.