Regarding both online colleges and “Brick-and-Mortar” schools with online programs, many online college students view the online college degrees that they are obtaining or have obtained as exceptional and worthy of status of being superior. Some college students have said that these online college degrees, which have been extremely rigorous and challenging, are even better than the “Brick-and-Mortar” schools that they have attended.
Below are some degrees of special standing, as described through the very college students who are presently completing or have already completed the online college degrees in question.
1) The Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) at Columbia Southern University – Online is an exemplary online college degree that has been praised and five-starred. As a matter of fact, CSU is the first nationally accredited institution of higher learning to offer this particular program. This might be why many online college students rate the program as topnotch. Those interested in fire-fighting, fire-prevention or law enforcement would find these online college degrees extremely beneficial and rewarding. 2) The Master of Arts in Strategic Communication and Leadership (MASCL) offered through Seton Hall University – Online has been praised by former students who have found success due to their acquisition of the degree. This “Brick-and-Mortar” institution has been around since 1856 and boasts an excellent reputation. College students who desire to achieve a Master’s degree and excel in Educational fields will find these to be very challenging programs. 3) The Master of Civil Engineering (MC) is the pride-and-joy online college degrees of Norwich University, established way back in 1819. College students seeking an educational background in administrative and governmental processes might feel right at home here. 4) The Baccalaureate in Information Technology Management, available through American Military University – Online, prepares college students for law enforcement and employment in intelligence or computer technology. Open to both military and civilians, this recently established institution (1993) is an equal-opportunity institution that offers educational benefits to college students from a variety of backgrounds, although the military currently comprises approximately 70% of the student body. 5) The DBA Engineering and Technology seems to have high ranking, suggesting that college students here find it very rewarding at Northcentral University. As is the case with MC or the MJA at Norwich University Online, the DBAs offer individuals who wish to obtain online college degrees for leadership positions in both business and engineering technology
These are only a few online college programs worthy of consideration; many quality online college degrees can be found throughout the Internet world that will facilitate distance learning requirements. However, online programs set up through traditional accredited institutions will provide the greater educational advantage for college students than those that are merely online schools.
In the end, the individual’s particular goals and needs determines the correct or preferable path to take. Those prospective college students who eventually wish to find a job are advised to consider the vast array of online programs supported by traditional universities, where mere self-enhancement or advancement in an already-procured job can be served decently by the “total” online programs.