Going to grad school is a big step that should involve a thought of consideration beforehand. If you want to go, ask yourself why. If any of the following reasons are at the top of your list, you might want to reconsider your decision or at least spend a bit more time mulling things over.
Financial problems or less-than-stellar grades wind up causing some students to think twice about higher education once they get older, but what happens when you really, truly just don’t want to go to college?
As more and more Americans change career fields in our changing economy, a double major may help current college students be better prepared for the workforce.
It’s tempting to spend your hard-earned summer job cash on a new wardrobe or the latest gadgets, but here are just a handful of the many reasons you should save for the school year.
People often complete numerous college classes without ever graduating. Many have unknowingly accumulated enough credits to qualify for a degree.
While some women’s colleges are struggling with enrollment numbers, educational leaders as well as students believe that they still play an important role in higher education in America. We’ve compiled seven potential benefits of attending an all-girls school to earn your degree.
Hunched over texts and notebooks while armed with enough coffee and Red Bull to last the entire night, students continually cram for exams even though research claims it does little or no good.
When you find yourself in a text anxiety panic because you aren’t prepared for the exam you have to take in the morning, make sure to avoid these common blunders!
Funny college pranks are a popular way to get back at roommates and poke fun at professors. While blocking someone’s doorway with phone books or covering dorm room walls with Post-It notes will definitely cause a few laughs, some innovative students take things to an entirely different level. We aren’t recommending that you try any of these yourself, but here are five of the best college pranks in history…
It’s an old cliché, but children really do seem to grow up in the blink of an eye. The elementary and middle school years fly by and before you know it, high school and college prep are on the horizon. How can you help your kids get ready? Here are a few suggestions:
Have you ever seen a street performer juggle three or four balls in the air? It looks completely effortless but in reality, juggling is a pretty impressive feat—give it a try and you’ll quickly realize!
Balancing school and a part-time job while maintaining healthy relationships with friends and family members can be just as tricky. Here are a few ideas that can come in handy when juggling your commitments.
From the scenery and weather to the bar and restaurant options—among other things— multiple factors contribute to great college towns…
It’s that time of year again… can you believe it? It seems like the semester just started! Whichever place you decide to go for spring break, be sure to take care of the following before you say goodbye to the roommates and rush out the door!
Going back to school as an adult is challening; going back to college with kids at home can seem just about impossible. If a parent who has “been there, done that” tells you that it was easy, they’re probably lying, but it is doable. Here are six practical hints to take into consideration…
If your funds are low—and whose aren’t?—but the thought of hitting the books and catching up on laundry this weekend doesn’t sound appealing, here’s a list of 20 cheap things to do this weekend. Whether you live on campus, on your own, or with your parents, there’s bound to be something doable that sounds like fun…