Three Rivers Community College is a two-year school located in Norwich, Conn. The college enrolls more than 3,900 students each semester and has more than 2,500 students in its continuing education program. It offers courses in technical, career, and liberal arts programs, and there are two satellite campuses located at the Naval Submarine Base in Groton, Conn., and the Ella Grasso Technical School, also in Groton.
The college offers degrees in a number of programs, ranging from accounting to hospitality management. Many of its programs are accredited by professional organizations. Three Rivers Community College is accredited by the Connecticut Board of Governors for Higher Education and the New England Association of Colleges. The Technology Accreditation of the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology Inc. has accredited the following programs: civil engineering, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, manufacturing engineering, mechanical engineering and nuclear engineering. The nursing program for the National League for Nursing. The Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs has accredited the following days accounting, business administration, business office technology, hospitality management and marketing.
All first-time college students at Three Rivers Community College that are admitted to liberal arts, sciences and general studies are required to take the First Year Experience course during one of the their first two semesters on campus. The class introduces students to the expectations of college coursework.
The college’s extensive Continuing Education Department proves noncredit courses for businesses, individuals and industries, custom training, and other speciality education classes.